NIH Caught Funneling Millions of Dollars in Public Money to Fund Chinese Dog Torture

NIH Caught Funneling Millions of Dollars in Public Money to Fund Chinese Dog Torture

Originally published via Armageddon Prose Substack:

Another bombshell investigation by the crack team of sleuths at White Coat Waste Project has uncovered many millions more dollars in previously unknown funding of Chinese labs by the NIH for the purpose of torturing puppies and other animals with no justifiable public health rationale whatsoever.

RelatedEXCLUSIVE: FOIA Docs Confirm USDA Lied About Chinese Bird Flu Research Partnership

Via White Coat Waste Project (emphasis added):

The NIH is currently paying a Chinese lab over $2 million U.S. tax dollars to force-feed and inject puppies and other animals with experimental drugs in completely unnecessary and wasteful tests

Among the taxpayer-funded canine cruelty we uncovered is an active $124,200 NIH contract for completely unnecessary experimental drug testing on dogs at a Chinese lab called Pharmaron.

In all, this Chinese animal lab is currently receiving over $2 million in tax money for wasteful tests on dogs, primates, and other animals…

This is alarming for many reasons, including that the US Food and Drug Administration has clearly stated in direct response to WCW campaigns that, “The FDA does not mandate that human drugs be studied in dogs.”

Documents uncovered through WCW’s investigation detail how NIH-funded labs in China are killing beagles as young as one day old and severing beagle puppies’ spinal cords. In one published experiment, white coats at a Chinese government lab write that, “the dogs were executed.”…

Many of the over two dozen Chinese animal labs approved for U.S. taxpayer funding are controlled by or tied to the Chinese Communist Party and military and several conduct dangerous virus experiments that can cause outbreaks.”

Warning: Don’t watch the video below if you have a weak stomach for animal abuse.

Where is PETA?

Where are the bleeding-heart liberals?

Anthony Bellotti, White Coat Waste Project founder and president, issed on the following statement following the public revelation of the results of the “Seeing Red” investigation (emphasis added):

Fauci is the funding father of Uncle Sam’s worst experiments on pets, and even though he’s gone from government, we’re still mopping up his animal testing mess. We recently killed a Fauci-funded plan to revive discredited kitten experiments that we got canceled under President Trump and we stopped Fauci’s wasteful $1.8 million runny nose drug tests on puppies back in 2022. But our investigations and lawsuits have exposed how Fauci’s legacy of wasteful spending on painful pet abuse lives on, including cruel COVID experiments on cats, $4 million “maximum tolerated dose” drug tests on beagles, biting fly experiments on abandoned pet hounds, and painful tick experiments on puppies. We applaud Rep. Gosar and his colleagues for their outstanding work to investigate and eliminate tens of millions in taxpayer-funded pet abuse that Fauci signed off on and set into motion. The solution is simple: Stop the money. Stop the madness!”

Apparently elected Republicans and independent media are the only ones in government who oppose pointless puppy torture using public American money funded to illicit and under-regulated Chinese labs just like the one in Wuhan that almost certainly leaked COVID-19 to the world and basically destroyed the global economy and the remnants of civil liberties in the West.

Democrats and their complicit corporate media partners are all-in on all of that, it seems, because they Respect the Science™. You want to make an omelet, etc.

Via Daily Caller (emphasis added):

“Dr. Anthony Fauci funded a $3.7 million project to poison puppies with experimental drugs, FOIA documents obtained by White Coat Waste Project (WCW)… and the project is still active.

Republican Arizona Rep. Paul Gosar sent a letter Tuesday requesting a suspension to all active NIAID funding for tests on dogs and cats.

The letter was co-signed by Republican Reps. Ralph Norman of South Carolina, Nicole Malliotakis of New York, Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, Clay Higgins of Louisiana, Aaron Bean of Florida, Troy Nehls of Texas, Nancy Mace of South Carolina, Greg Steube of Florida, Matt Gaetz of Florida and Randy Weber of Texas.”

          RelatedMTG Gives Fauci’s Beagle Torture Program New Oxygen

Ben Bartee is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs.

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