Mother's Day: LGBTQ+++™ Apocalypse

Mother's Day: LGBTQ+++™ Apocalypse

Originally pubished via Armageddon Prose Substack:

You thought what Hitler did to the Jews was bad.

But the Holocaust doesn’t hold a candle to what devastation the cisgender bigots have wrought on our precious LGBTQ+++™ community with their spiteful celebration of fronthole women on this day of hate.

“If we think about LGBTQ parents, and other non-traditional families, a typical Mother’s Day can feel very biased and non-inclusive for lots of children and their families,” Wonther laments.


Meet the 21st-century Anne Frank, traumatized and oppressed by the villainous cisgenders, whose confused child has been indoctrinated by the oppressive Patriarchy™ to not know whether to call him on Father’s Day or Mother’s Day.

Gratuitous smut: ‘transgender’ man-beast attempts to breastfeed non-binary child, ends in failure

I’m sorry to do this, but it’s my job as a journalist, even on this sacred holiday, to bring you the harsh realities of the modern dystopia.  

Ben Bartee is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs.

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