‘Hyper-Sexualized at a Young Age’: Ashley Biden at DNC Nearly Spills the Beans on Daddy Shower Time

‘Hyper-Sexualized at a Young Age’: Ashley Biden at DNC Nearly Spills the Beans on Daddy Shower Time

Originally published via Armageddon Prose Substack:

When Ashley Biden assumed the stage at the DNC convention, I swear to God, for the briefest of moment, it sounded like she might just be on the verge of spilling the beans regarding what Daddy did to her all those years ago in the shower, as recalled in the contents of her now-confirmed leak diary, in which she wrote: “I have always been boy crazy. Hyper-sexualized @ a young age…I remember somewhat being sexualized with [a family member]; I remember having sex with friends @ a young age; showers w/my dad (probably not appropriate).”

Her DNC speech started in a similar vein:

“I have this memory. It’s the eve of my eighth birthday….”

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Disappointingly, the shower story never made it into the speech.

She instead went on a spiel about Brandon being a “girl-dad” and all the grand governmental gifts he had given women throughout his decades-long career, none of which involved groping or insertions of his penis.

Via The Independent (emphasis added):

Ashley Biden, the president’s youngest child, recalled her father’s support for her as an independent woman growing up, calling him the “OG girl dad.”

“Joe Biden is the OG girl dad,” she said. “He told me I could be anything, and I could do anything.”

Together, the two women depicted the president as a relentless champion of women who, in the end, had made the decision to step aside to enable his female vice president to rise to the top of the ticket.

“He wasn’t just a girl dad. I could see that he valued and trusted women,” Ashley Biden said, with strong emphasis on the final word.

“How he listened to his mother. How he believed in his sister. And, most of all, how he respected my mother’s career.””

Curiously omitted also from Ashley’s speech about Daddy’s deep regard for women’s welfare was the rape allegation leveled against Biden, which has contemporaneous evidence, including her mother calling into Larry King’s CNN show in the 1990s to report it, which went unremarked upon by the corporate state media in the heyday of #MeToo.

Ben Bartee is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs.

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