Brave and Stunning: Dianne Feinstein's Corpse Gets Wheeled Back Into Senate

Brave and Stunning: Dianne Feinstein's Corpse Gets Wheeled Back Into Senate

Originally published via Armageddon Prose Substack:

Now that Feinstein’s 90-year-old corpse in pearls and lipstick is seated upright upon its throne, the corporate state is now free to push through judges through the Senate committee to its heart’s content.

Via NBC News:

“Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., cast her first two votes on the Senate floor on Wednesday afternoon following a nearly three-month absence due to health issues.

Upon her arrival on Capitol Hill, she was assisted into a wheelchair and greeted by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.

Feinstein told reporters that she feels “much better,” but she did not answer questions about why she decided to return or respond to calls from critics to resign.”

At this point, the Deep State is merely flaunting its dominion, taunting the American people. “We’re going to wheel this carcass into the Senate, and you’re going to pretend that she’s a legitimate elected representative or else you’re a domestic terrorist. Clap, seals, in celebration of the bravery and stunningness,” reads the subtext.

The brutal gerontocracy to which are all subject will presumably continue until the AI robots are fully groomed to take over in the budding technocracy.

Ben Bartee is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs.

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