Originally published via Armageddon Prose Substack:
Documenting the meatiest, juiciest cuts of “fat acceptance” propaganda from corporate and social media.
TikTok butterball does obscene food porn as perverted therapy/performance art
I use “food porn” in the literal sense, in that she really appears to get some sexual satisfaction out of broadcasting her food addiction to the world.
Watch this bitch go ham, as the kids say — or used to say, I don’t even know or care about trendy youth slang anymore — on doughnut, “brown sugar oat milkshake and espresso,” and other gross bullshit
There are only two groups of people who would watch this display of gluttony and enjoy themselves:
· Morbidly obese women who eat the same kind of slop and accordingly feel deep shame. They desperately want to alleviate themselves of the shame but don’t want to actually lose weight or eat normal food and so attempt to find comfort in other morbidly obese women online assuring them their disgusting dietary habits are a feminist victory over the male gaze or whatever
· Lonely men with a hog fetish, of which there is likely a substantial number in a global population north of eight billion because people house all kinds of sexual perversions that they have no real-world outlet for
Related: ‘Body Positivity’ Activist Claims ‘Obesity’ Is a Fatphobic Slur
Fat feminist explains ‘cake-related fatphobic incidents’
“Misogynist: A man who hates women as much as women hate one another.”
-H.L. Mencken
Morbidly obese Latinx activist Virgie Tovar, outfitted with multiple redundant chins, explains that normal-sized people are repulsed by fats stuffing their face-holes with disgusting birthday cake at office parties because they hate women and don’t want them to enjoy themselves.
I don’t believe I’ve ever addressed head-on the elephant in the room, as it were, which is: why the curious combining of feminism and fat activism into the Social Justice™ Frankenstein that it is today?
Here’s what I’ve come up with based on following the ramblings of fat women in TikTok for some time now:
· “Intersectionality” promotes the union of various oppressed identities in general
· Women are genetically, evolutionarily more predisposed to shame and negative internal self-talk than men. The reason, I speculate, is that women depend on group membership to a greater extent for survival than men, and so find themselves more sensitive to the social pressures they face to conform to social standards — like not being disgustingly overweight
· Human cultures throughout history and across the globe have placed a higher premium on female physical beauty than male physical beauty. For one thing, objectively, the feminine form is more aesthetically pleasing than the male form. Fat women, therefore, are at a greater social deficit than fat men. For another thing, men are perceived more as tools (and expendable ones at that) that ought to serve some useful, practical purpose and are therefore viewed through a more utilitarian lens than women
· People are rightfully and naturally less generous with their sympathy to people who put themselves in whatever position they find themselves in, like eating irresponsibly for years on end until they’re morbidly obese. So, by tying the #bodypositivity cause to a more socially accepted cause like women’s rights, they earn, at least in theory, greater legitimacy
Ben Bartee is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs.
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