Based Polish Dominates Channel 4 Propagandist on the ‘Refugee’ Question

Based Polish Dominates Channel 4 Propagandist on the ‘Refugee’ Question

Originally published via Armageddon Prose Substack:

Imagine for a moment — in some alternate universe — a nationally elected member of Irish or British or French government in a position to enact policy talking like this gentleman, Dominik Tarczyński, Member of the European Parliament (MEP), who found himself in the snake pit that is British state media back in 2018.

“How many refugees have Poland taken?” BBC hack Cathy Newman asks with the undeniable tinge of liberal hostility:

“Zero… If you’re asking me about Muslim illegal immigration, none, not even one, will come to Poland, not even one if it’s illegal. We took over two million Ukrainians who are working, who are peaceful in Poland, we will not receive even one Muslim because this is what we promised…

This is why our government was elected. This is why Poland is so safe. This is the reason why we have not even one terrorist attack…. We can be called populists, nationalists, racists, I don’t care. I care about my family and my country.”

Far be it for me to try to improve on that performance, but perhaps what he should have said is: “Yes, I am proud that the Polish people have resisted this brutal all-out assault on European national sovereignty where our lesser Western peers have succumbed. I am proud that we will maintain Polish land for Polish people. But at this moment, what I’m most proud of is that I haven’t let some British harpy browbeat me into submission with weaponized empathy.”

The Polish border remains.

Ben Bartee is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs.

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