Nuremberg-Tier Criminality? Researchers Discover Monkey Virus SV40 Fragments in COVID Shots

Nuremberg-Tier Criminality? Researchers Discover Monkey Virus SV40 Fragments in COVID Shots

Originally published via Armageddon Prose Substack:

You might recall the Public Health™ entities, the pharmaceutical corporations, and the state media that serve both insisting that the Pfizer and Moderna gene therapies are not, in fact, gene therapies because, per their claims, these products do not contain DNA, but only messenger RNA, and therefore don’t alter the genome.

Via Associated Press “fact check”:

“The COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna use mRNA to instruct cells to make a protein from the coronavirus and trigger an immune response. The Johnson & Johnson vaccine uses a modified adenovirus, a cold virus, to elicit an immune response.

But none of the vaccines can alter humans’ DNA.”

Obviously, we can trust the benevolent AP to tell the God’s honest, unvarnished truth, come hell or high water, because they pursue facts in the service of informing the public of what the powers that be are up to.

Because that’s the entire public value of journalism, the whole moral justification for its existence as an industry.



Via Epoch Times:

“Microbiologist Kevin McKernan and his team recently discovered simian virus 40 (SV40) promoters in Pfizer’s and Moderna’s bivalent mRNA COVID shots…

In the video [embedded below], Jessica Rose, who holds a doctorate in computational biology, interviews microbiologist Kevin McKernan on “Good Morning CHD.” McKernan’s team recently discovered simian virus 40 (SV40) promoters in Pfizer’s and Moderna’s bivalent mRNA COVID shots. For decades, SV40 has been suspected of causing cancer in humans…

Several methods were deployed to assess the nucleic acid composition of four expired vials of the Moderna and Pfizer bivalent mRNA vaccines. Two vials from each vendor were evaluated … Multiple assays support DNA contamination that exceeds the European Medicines Agency (EMA) 330 ng/mg requirement and the FDA’s 10 ng/dose requirements…

Equally—if not more—troubling, these DNA contaminants can also alter the human genome. As Mr. McKernan explains, genomic sequencing involves reading the letters of the genome, A, T, C, and G, which make up the DNA code. Both DNA and RNA can be sequenced in this manner.”

Via OSF Preprints:

Several methods were deployed to assess the nucleic acid composition of four expired vials of the Moderna and Pfizer bivalent mRNA vaccines. Two vials from each vendor were evaluated … Multiple assays support DNA contamination that exceeds the European Medicines Agency (EMA) 330 ng/mg requirement and the FDA’s 10 ng/dose requirements…
There has been a healthy debate about the capacity for SARs-CoV-2 to integrate into the human genome(Zhang et al. 2021). This work has inspired questions regarding the capacity for the mRNA vaccines to also genome integrate. Such an event would require LINE-1 driven reverse transcription of the mRNA into DNA as described by Alden et al. (Alden et al. 2022). dsDNA contamination of sequence encoding the spike protein wouldn’t require LINE-1 for Reverse Transcription and the presence of an SV40 nuclear localization signal in Pfizer’s vaccine vector would further increase the odds of integration. This work does not present evidence of genome integration but does underscore that LINE-1 activity is not required given the dsDNA levels in these vaccines. The nuclear localization of these vectors should also be verified.”

So, if the findings in the study above are factual, then:

·       Pfizer’s COVID injections contain monkey virus SV40 promoters (fragments)

·       Pfizer, the corporate state media, and the Public Health™ bureaucracy lied over and over and over about the above fact

·       SV40 promoters likely drive cancer

·       Cancer rates have exploded worldwide post-vaxx

What other conclusion can we come to other than these corporations and government actors are responsible for the greatest mass murder scheme in world history, dwarfing anything history’s most bloodthirsty dictators could have imagined?

Ben Bartee, author of Broken English Teacher: Notes From Exile, is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs.

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